Everything you need to know about the application process

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If you are considering a rewarding career where you are a deeply valued member of the community that you serve, then the Pittsburgh Institute of Mortuary Science can help you “Cross the Bridge” to a gratifying career in Funeral Service. Please read below to learn how to get started.

Join us for a campus tour! Schedule your visit HERE.


What You Should Know

Take Time to Job Shadow

Funeral service professionals do more than you think. It’s important to gain insight into the industry prior to committing to this educational path. They not only care and pay respect to the dead without any bias but also care for the living who loved the deceased individuals. Funeral service is a combination of science, art, psychology, business management, religious studies and so much more. We are uncommon people in an uncommon calling. Is this your calling?


If you are in a capstone or consortium program, you will there are some extra steps you will need to know before applying at PIMS. Learn more here. 

Submission of an application does NOT guarantee acceptance.

The acceptance process is multi-tiered. We consider previous grades and experience, timeliness of application submission, as well as many other factors. It is the policy of the Institute to admit students who are the best qualified to meet state licensure requirements and those that will be able to assume the professional responsibilities of a licensed embalmer and funeral director.

Make Sure All Supporting Documents Are Sent

After your application and ALL supporting documents are received, your application will be evaluated by a committee. You will receive a letter of decision via email. You must add and to your address book to make sure that any communications are received.  

The Process

Applying to PIMS:

Determining State License and Educational Requirements

The PIMS Admission Office will assist you with determining state license and educational requirements. State rules for licensing do change from time to time, so it is important to look up your state board and review requirements.

Use the Application Checklist To Make Sure You Have Everything

An online application and all supporting materials as outlined below are required to be considered for PIMS admission. Download this checklist to get started. 

Pre-Requisite Requirements for Online Students

Online students must have completed all pre-requisite requirements for their state before applying. Additionally, online students must complete a business math course prior to graduating from PIMS. Campus students can earn these credits by adding additional terms. Please see our state requirements page.

Apply Months In Advance to Target Start Date

It is highly encouraged to submit a completed application months prior to your target start date.

The Selection Timeframe

The PIMS Admission Committee selects candidates up to six months prior to a start date.

Comply with Commonly Accepted Rules of Good Behavior

To ensure that our students are employable after graduation, every applicant will be subjected to an evaluation of their internet presence by a member of the Admission Committee. While the funeral service industry is experiencing a lot of change, it is still very traditional. All students attending the Institute are required to comply with commonly accepted rules of good behavior. Similarly, any infractions or “unbecoming” behavior will not be accepted within the funeral service industry. 

PIMS enrolls students in the Spring, Summer, and Fall. Enrollment can be competitive and seats can fill quickly so please plan to apply months prior to start dates, which are:

  • Campus
    • Summer: May 12, 2025
    • Fall: September 8, 2025
    • Spring: January 12, 2026
  • Online
    • Summer: June 02, 2025
    • Fall: October 13, 2025
    • Spring: January 12, 2026

Items can be sent together or separately via email to Ms. Cecilia, our Admission Advisor at OR mailed to PIMS, Application Materials,  5808 Baum Blvd., Pittsburgh, PA 15206, or faxed to 412-362-1684. Keep track of your application materials with the PIMS Application Checklist!

How to Apply:


    First, register as an applicant and login to access our online application form. There is a $50 application fee payable by credit card within the online application.


    Submit the following one-at-a-time or all together:

      • The Admission Health Screening Form & Acknowledgement– All information MUST be on the medical form. No supplemental medical documentation of immunizations will be accepted.
      • Capstone or Consortium Program applicants will need to fill out the Consortium application as well. Please follow the additional directions there.
      • A professional headshot photo for state ID purposes (TIP: No need to pay for a photo but must be professional and no copies of IDs will be accepted)
      • Copy of healthcare insurance card
      • Official transcripts must be sent directly to PIMS from the institution or an approved electronic transcript service. If they are sent by the applicant they are no longer official. Required transcripts include:
              • High school or a high school equivalency. If a final high school GPA is 2.3 or less, 12 liberal arts or general education college credits with a cumulative GPA of 2.3 or higher is required. All applicants must submit proof of high school (or equivalent) regardless of the level of postsecondary schooling earned
              • All colleges attended

        A short answer questionnaire will be emailed to the applicate once an application is submitted, this questionnaire must be returned to


    If seeking a license in Pennsylvania – you may be required to submit a Certificate of Preliminary Education if you have at least 60 credits prior to starting PIMS:

    Use this Application Checklist to help get you through the process!

    Items can be sent together or separately via email to Ms. Cecilia, our Admission Advisor at

    Items can also be mailed to PIMS, Application Materials,  5808 Baum Blvd., Pittsburgh, PA 15206, or faxed to 412-362-1684. 


    What happens after you apply?


    Once your application and supporting materials are submitted, your application is sent to the Admission Committee for review


    A decision from the Admission Committee will be emailed to the address provided on your application


    If accepted, you will work with our Enrollment Office to complete the required paperwork and you will participate in a specialized orientation


    If you push your start date back, the next start date is not guaranteed and applications are kept for one calendar year


    If denied, an applicant can reapply in one year or obtain additional college credits with 2.3 or greater and reapply at that time

    Veteran Benefit questions can be directed to Mrs. Sproull, VA Certifying Official at

    Students with disabilities can view the schools policy for assistance here.

    PIMS requires, upon enrollment and prior to matriculation, a signed enrollment contract and arbitration agreement. If you would like a copy of these documents please contact Mrs. Sproull, Enrollment Coordinator at The arbitration agreement does not in any way affect a student’s right to file a BDR claim and the claim does not need to be arbitrated prior to filing.

    Click here for the Gainful Employment Disclosure for the PIMS Diploma Program

    Come visit us sometime

    Join one of our GROUP TOURS, click here and locate the dates in blue to RSVP. Details are within the link.

    PIMS is located in East Liberty, a trendy neighborhood just a few miles from downtown Pittsburgh. While we do not have student housing, the PIMS Housing Help Sheet can assist in getting you started with your search.

    Please contact our Admission Office at or at 412-362-8500 if you have any questions!