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PIMS Syndey's Corner Blog

Sydney’s Tips: Making and Keeping Goals

  Since I’m an official emotional support animal around campus, I see students with a wide range of feelings about their studies: excited, focused, and–worst of all–stressed. Though I don’t understand anything about books and reading, I know that it’s not always...

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Student Spotlight: Larrionna Umphryes

Student Spotlight: Larrionna Umphryes

My name is Larrionna Umphryes and I’m from Flint, Michigan. Funeral Service has been a passion of mine since I’ve graduated high school. When I had opportunities to job shadow in this field, I knew that it was for me. Since then, I’ve been pursuing this dream of mine....

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Student Spotlight: Nia Collins

Student Spotlight: Nia Collins

Hi my name is Nia Collins. “Nia” is a name with Swahili origins meaning “purpose.” Throughout my life, people have asked, “What is my purpose in life?” I have always said that my purpose is to serve others. It is something that is nature to me. My career started in...

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Student Spotlight – Chelsea Shanahan-Ballard

Student Spotlight – Chelsea Shanahan-Ballard

My name is Chelsea Shanahan-Ballard, and I'm from Sussex County, Delaware. I'm married, with 3 dogs and 2 cats. In 2018, I graduated from Salisbury University with a BA in psychology. During my junior year, my father passed away, and it changed a lot of things for me....

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Student Spotlight: BRE’ASIA GILLIS

Student Spotlight: BRE’ASIA GILLIS

  Gillis is a twenty five year old future mortician and medical examiner born in Baltimore, Maryland. She developed the passion at an early age, being the first in her family with this interest. Bre’Asia is a 2020 graduate of the illustrious Morgan State...

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PIMS celebrates our diverse student body and recognizes the rich heritage of Black History Month. We honor all African Americans, but especially those who have chosen to dedicate their lives to the funeral service. For the month of February, we will be sharing some of...

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Student Spotlight: DONAVION THOMAS

Student Spotlight: DONAVION THOMAS

  My name is Donavion Thomas.  I was born in Brooklyn, New York and was raised there for most of my life. Until recently, my family and I transitioned to Dover, Delaware.  As the oldest child of two college educated professionals, I was encouraged to attend...

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Sydney’s Tips: Making and Keeping Goals

Sydney’s Tips: Making and Keeping Goals

  Since I’m an official emotional support animal around campus, I see students with a wide range of feelings about their studies: excited, focused, and–worst of all–stressed. Though I don’t understand anything about books and reading, I know that it’s not always...

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September 2022 graduation

Onward and Upward: Congratulations Fall 20022 Graduates! One of our biggest honors is watching our students walk at graduation and take the next steps into their career. We gather together and celebrate one another's achievements while reflecting back on memories...

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