Hi my name is Nia Collins. “Nia” is a name with Swahili origins meaning “purpose.” Throughout my life, people have asked, “What is my purpose in life?” I have always said that my purpose is to serve others. It is something that is nature to me. My career started in healthcare decades ago when my focus for helping people and the community led me to hold jobs where I provided personal care to patients, advocated for patients and their families; as well as, offered education and support when needed. I have worked in clinical and business settings in the healthcare industry early on as a Certified Medical Assistant, graduating from a Nursing program and receiving my Bachelors of Science in Nursing, in addition to holding a job as a Patient Advocate and am currently employed by a local hospital managing a Primary Care office.
Becoming a professional in the funeral service business is what I believe I am called to do. My empathy for families in the grieving process, listening skills, creativity, and dedication to helping others will certainly make my transition from healthcare to the funeral service business effortless. My interest for the funeral home business materialized in 2017 when I lost my grandmother to a prolonged illness. My curiosity for this industry evolved as the funeral home we used made the transition process easy for my family and me. They were professional in helping my family to honor the memory of my loved one offering the highest level of compassionate care and respect.
Helping others make our lives more meaningful. I look at the funeral service business as rewarding and fulfilling as healthcare. I am currently a part-time receptionist at an independently-owned funeral home in Baltimore, Maryland. I anticipate growing professionally in the company as a mortician. Working in the funeral home business will allow me to connect with families in the community, helping them focus on healing while celebrating the life of their loved ones and preserving memories.