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PIMS Syndey's Corner Blog

sydney’s corner – How to Maintain Focus

We all know how easy it is to be distracted from accomplishing tasks. This is especially true when the weather is warm (I mean, have you seen those birds out there?) I’m Sydney, the emotional support dog, and I’m here to share tips on how to maintain focus during...

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Sydney’s Corner: Showing and Giving Gratitude

Sydney’s Corner: Showing and Giving Gratitude

Sometimes people become caught up in the chaos of their busy schedules and forget to remember something very important: showing and giving gratitude. As the emotional support dog on campus, I think that humans could really learn from my kind. Let’s face it: when it...

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10 Reasons You Should Enroll in PIMS This Fall

10 Reasons You Should Enroll in PIMS This Fall

Mortuary school is not for everyone, but it could be for you. Maybe you are considering a career change, or maybe you have realized that a traditional college setting isn’t for you. If you have discovered the world of mortuary science and it intrigues you, here are 10...

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Ways You Can Be An Ally During Pride Month

Ways You Can Be An Ally During Pride Month

With June being Pride Month, many individuals are trying to find ways to show their allyship to the LGBTQIA+ community. (This stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual/aromantic, and more). During a time where many states have been...

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Dr. Barry Lease was appointed the new President and Chief Executive Officer of PIMS. Dr. Lease’s new role was effective beginning on April 2, 2023. Dr. Lease was a student at the Institute in the 1980s. He initially joined the team as a part-time Clinical Embalming...

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sydney’s corner – How to Maintain Focus

sydney’s corner – How to Maintain Focus

We all know how easy it is to be distracted from accomplishing tasks. This is especially true when the weather is warm (I mean, have you seen those birds out there?) I’m Sydney, the emotional support dog, and I’m here to share tips on how to maintain focus during...

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Student Spotlight: Camille Redman

Student Spotlight: Camille Redman

Hi, my name is Camille Redman. I was born and raised here in Pittsburgh. I am the youngest in my family and am the second college educated in my immediate family following my older sister. I currently live with my girlfriend and our two dogs and will be soon starting...

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